What are the physical and mental effects of substance abuse on humans?

Substance addiction changes brain chemistry, which impacts behavior, decision-making, and cognitive abilities. Impaired logic, attention, and memory are possible outcomes.

Cardiovascular Health: Substances like stimulants can raise blood pressure and heart rate, which can lead to heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems.

Alcohol and certain medications can harm the liver, which can lead to diseases including cirrhosis, fatty liver, hepatitis, and even liver failure

Chronic bronchitis, asthma, and lung infections are among the respiratory problems that can develop as a result of breathing narcotics or smoking tobacco.

A weakened immune system is one symptom of substance misuse, which can increase a person's vulnerability to disease and infection.

Gastritis, ulcers, and pancreatitis are gastrointestinal issues that can develop as a result of substance usage, especially with alcohol and certain substances.

Disorders of Mental Health: Anxiety, depression, psychosis, and, in extreme circumstances, drug-induced mental health problems can develop as a result of or as a symptom of long-term substance usage

Substance misuse increases the likelihood of developing an addiction, a chronic and relapsing disease defined by the involuntary pursuit and use of drugs despite negative outcomes.

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